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SpareCover brand Soft Tire Covers

Handmade Tire Covers since 1995

ALL SpareCover brand products are made in Central Florida. Any cover that ships from China or any other foreign country is NOT a SpareCover brand product. BUY American - Support the US Economy. Recently the Amazon Marketplace has been a free-for -all when it comes to counterfeit items. Be warned, be smart, any item shipping from overseas should make you scratch your head about it being made in the US. 

NOTICE: Currently there are several other sellers offering tire covers indicating made by SpareCover.


Beware these are NOT original SpareCover products, we only sell covers directly to the public via the links below.


Buy the best, Buy the Original SpareCover product, using the links below.


All of our covers are produced and shipped from Florida, any product manufactured or sold by ANY company NOT based in Forida is NOT an authentic SpareCover product, for over 20 years, SpareCover has hand manufactured its premium custom tire covers from its base of operations in Orlando, Florida.  We are proud to be the largest custom tire manufacturer in the United States.  We can fit any tire.  You can buy our covers through this the links below:

Our tests indicate that the SpareCover brand soft tire cover is the hands down best tire cover available ANYWHERE today.


Do not waste your time and money on a cheap imitation.


Click here to purchase our covers using Yahoo Checkout.


FREE Shipping on some items @


Click here to see our covers for sale on eBay


BEWARE  OF THE MANY COUNTERFEIT Items being sold on Amazon today!


We are now the largest soft tire cover manufacturer in the USA.


We can custom make a cover to fit ANY tire.


Most orders shipped within hours of receiving payment, via USPS Priority Mail.

PayPal and Google payments receive automatic ship and tracking numbers via e-mail.

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